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Open University: Public Health in Humanitarian Crises, autumn 2024

Open university
smart for good
14.10.2024 - 29.11.2024
5 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Social welfare and health care
Teaching format:
Online teaching, Contact teaching
100 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut


Objective of this course is to introduce the students to the humanitarian crisis aspects of various types of disasters. Course will present real life examples of how public health is compromised in a disaster; how the human rights get violated; who are vulnerable groups; how environment suffers; how is life in chronic conflict situations; what are the mechanisms for psychosocial coping; what are the principles of knowledge management in disaster scenarios; what are the basics of public health preparedness and relief activities.
Students should learn of various effects of disasters and they get to know the basic strategies and components of a public health response to crisis situations caused by disasters.

The course will strengthen understanding of:
The concept of crisis
Causes (natural, man-made) of humanitarian crises and disasters
The general impact of crises in the light of recent examples
Climate change and health
Environmental impact of disasters and humanitarian crises
Typical public health consequences of humanitarian crises
Mental health in disasters
Disaster preparedness
First response, humanitarian aid
Longer-term issues of management in humanitarian crises
Specific challenges of public health in complex emergencies
Water supply, sanitation, and food supplies in extreme conditions
Role of various actors, international collaboration
Disaster epidemiology
Disaster prevention

Live lectures by:
Sohaib Khan, PhD, Assistant Professor of International Health;
Juhani Miettola, MD, PhD;
Kaisa Kontunen, MD;
Mikko Häkkinen, PhD;
Aapo Immonen, MSc;
Jussi Kauhanen, MD, PhD;
Additional online lectures by visiting expert speakers from the field;

Study Methods

Based primarily on contact learning on campus (Kuopio). Online participation is possible.


This study unit is graded on a scale of 0-5.

The final mark will consist of evaluation of assignments.

You can study this course 14.10.-29.11.2024. Registration is open 5.8.-7.10.2024.

This course is a part of advanced studies in Public Health. Please make sure you have sufficient skills and understanding of English language.

Self-study of required readings; Classroom sessions with lectures and exercises;

Based primarily on contact learning on campus (Kuopio). Online participation is also possible. Participation online: Lectures will be partly streamed or recorded, and all lecture notes, assignments and interactive group platforms will be available in the Moodle.

Successful completion of the course requires substantial amount of independent study.

Literature acquisition costs / borrowing fees are not included.

Study units cost 20 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland (

By paying the study fee, the student receives a temporary right to study that entitles them to attend a particular course. The right to study is course-specific, and is required to complete the course as specified in the syllabus for the term, covering both teaching and course exams. If the course is continuously open for registration, the maximum time to complete the course is from 1 August to 31 July for that academic year.

Literature acquisition costs and borrowing fees are not included in the tuition fee.

If your employer would pay your tuition fee, please contact our Student Affairs Secretary. Their contact details are below.

Irrespective of time
Day time teaching

Register for studies

I Click the registration button on this page. You will be directed to our registration service with the study unit already selected. You can add several study units to your study cart before you continue. 

II Proceed to identify yourself using the service, fill in your personal information to the registration form, confirm your registration and pay the study fees. If you cannot use the service, please contact our training secretary, their information can be found below. 

Please note that the registration is binding. For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland (

III Your registration will typically be processed in 2-5 working days. During peak registration periods, this may take up to 10 days. After this period, you will get an automatic message which includes a link to the starting instructions. Please read and follow the instructions carefully.  


If you have not studied at UEF before, you will also receive instructions for activating a UEF username. If you already have a UEF username, change the password to your account. 


Your username will receive full access rights when your study right begins.  


If you can’t find these messages, remember to check your email’s trash folder, and contact the open university staff if needed. 


If your employer will pay your tuition fee, please contact our student affairs secretary.

Their contact information can be found below. 

Registration starts:
2024-08-05 09:00
Registration ends:
2024-10-07 23:59