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Photonics and Optics Fundamentals, fall 2024

Open university
smart for good
4 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Environmental and natural sciences
Teaching format:
Online teaching, Distance teaching
80 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut

This is an advanced-level course; in Finnish we'd say "syventäviä opintoja". See below for the background you should have.

After completing the course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of light and photonics
  • Understands the nature of light as waves and photons.
  • Understands the polarization of light.
  • Understands how one can control the polarization of light with different components.
  • Understands emission, absorption, and scattering of light.
  • Understands reflection and refraction of light.
  • Can calculate the direction and the magnitude of reflected and refracted light for a planar interface.
  • Understands the interference of light.
  • Understands the double-slit experiment.
  • Understands the principle of and interferometer.
  • Can calculate the directions of the diffraction orders after the diffraction grating.
  • Can calculate the field after a simple aperture system.
  • Understands the connection between the geometrical and wave approach of light propagation.
  • Can analyze light in simple optical components like lenses and mirrors.
  • Understands imaging in a simple optical system.
  • Can calculate imaging in a simple lens or mirror system.
  • Understands how one can characterize the quality of imaging.
  • Knows what are the aberrations in an imaging system.

You should know the following before coming to this course; but there are sections in the course material that you can use to update your knowledge on those topics:

  • Basics of mechanics like energy, potential, and momentum.
  • Basics of linear algebra and matrices.
  • Basics of electromagnetism.
  • Basic calculation with complex numbers and complex functions.
  • Basics of differential and integral calculation.
  • Basics of trigonometry.
  • Vectors and calculations with those.
  • Also it is helpful to understand the basics of quantum mechanics like the quantization of energy.

Simply put, if you can deal with intermediate-level university physics ("aineopinnot"), you'll be just fine.

In Finnish, this course is called "Fotoniikan ja optiikan perusteet".

Modes of study: Supervised online learning that includes: Guided self-learning of the lecture material, quizzes for each lecture, an online session for each lecture, homework, and an exam. OR Self-learning of the material and an exam.

Teaching methods: Supervised online teaching with a schedule, 9.9.–21.10.2024, and a single exam in the EXAM system in some available school with an EXAM room near you during the academic year.

Study materials: The course material is available online. You can peek at the materials here.

The lecture schedule can be found in the study guide; the untranslated "Verkkoluento" means "online lecture".

Our studies cost 20 e/ECTS credit; these prices hold for the academic year 2024-2025.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland ( Right to study will cover the lessons and exams.

Fees for purchasing/lending literature are not covered by the University.

Irrespective of time

Register for studies

Registration starts:
2024-08-07 09:00
Registration ends:
2024-09-01 23:59