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Photonics and Optics Fundamentals, spring 2025

Open university
smart for good
4 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Environmental and natural sciences
Teaching format:
Online teaching, Distance teaching
80 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut

This is an advanced-level course; in Finnish we'd say "syventäviä opintoja". See below for the background you should have.

After completing the course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of light and photonics
  • Understands the nature of light as waves and photons.
  • Understands the polarization of light.
  • Understands how one can control the polarization of light with different components.
  • Understands emission, absorption, and scattering of light.
  • Understands reflection and refraction of light.
  • Can calculate the direction and the magnitude of reflected and refracted light for a planar interface.
  • Understands the interference of light.
  • Understands the double-slit experiment.
  • Understands the principle of and interferometer.
  • Can calculate the directions of the diffraction orders after the diffraction grating.
  • Can calculate the field after a simple aperture system.
  • Understands the connection between the geometrical and wave approach of light propagation.
  • Can analyze light in simple optical components like lenses and mirrors.
  • Understands imaging in a simple optical system.
  • Can calculate imaging in a simple lens or mirror system.
  • Understands how one can characterize the quality of imaging.
  • Knows what are the aberrations in an imaging system.

You should know the following before coming to this course; but there are sections in the course material that you can use to update your knowledge on those topics:

  • Basics of mechanics like energy, potential, and momentum.
  • Basics of linear algebra and matrices.
  • Basics of electromagnetism.
  • Basic calculation with complex numbers and complex functions.
  • Basics of differential and integral calculation.
  • Basics of trigonometry.
  • Vectors and calculations with those.
  • Also it is helpful to understand the basics of quantum mechanics like the quantization of energy.

Simply put, if you can deal with intermediate-level university physics ("aineopinnot"), you'll be just fine.

In Finnish, this course is called "Fotoniikan ja optiikan perusteet", but this version is written and taught in English.

Modes of study: Online self-learning of the material and an online exam.

Teaching methods: Online learning on your own schedule (online engagement, recorded lectures, quizzes, homework, exam).

Study materials: The course material is fully available online. You can peek at the materials here.

Our studies cost 20 e/ECTS credit; these prices hold for the academic year 2024-2025.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland ( Right to study will cover the lessons and exams.

Fees for purchasing/lending literature are not covered by the University.

Irrespective of time

Register for studies

I Ilmoittautumaan pääset oheisesta painikkeesta. Siirryt ilmoittautumispalveluun, jossa opinto on valmiiksi valittuna. Voit halutessasi lisätä opintokoriin myös muita opintojaksoja, ennen kuin jatkat ilmoittautumaan.

II Siirry tunnistautumaan, täydennä omat tietosi ilmoittautumislomakkeelle, vahvista ilmoittautuminen ja maksa opinnot.

Huom! Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen hinnastoon sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin.

III Ilmoittautumisesi käsittelyaika on pääasiallisesti 2-5 arkipäivää, maksimissaan 10 arkipäivää. Käsittelyajan jälkeen saat järjestelmän lähettämän viestin, joka sisältää linkin opintojen aloitusohjeisiin. Tutustu ohjeisiin huolellisesti.

Jos sinulla ei ole aiempaa UEF-tunnusta, saat lisäksi yliopiston käyttäjähallinnasta UEF-tunnuksen aktivointiohjeet. Tunnuksesi saa käyttöoikeudet opiskeluoikeuden alkaessa.

Mikäli et saa viestejä, tarkista sähköpostisi roskapostikansio ja tarvittaessa ota yhteyttä avoimeen yliopistoon.

Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä opintoasiainsihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.

Registration starts:
2025-01-20 09:00
Registration ends:
2025-06-15 23:59