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Results and Experiences of Community Intervention Programmes, lv.2024-2025 (English)

Open university
smart for good
2 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Social welfare and health care
Teaching format:
Online teaching
40 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut

Please note that there will be a short break in registration due to a system change. Registration closes on Friday, 17.11.2023 at 15:00 and opens again on Thursday, 23.11.2023 at 9:00.

Community Intervention: Example North Karelia Project.

You can study this course 1.8.2024-30.7.2025. Registration is open 5.8.2024-15.6.2025.

Modes of study

Web-Based Learning (100%). Reading diary, web-Based learning.

Evaluation criteria



Yliopiston lehtori, Kansanterveystieteen dosentti Rissanen Tiina


You can fin the course material in Moodle.

Price in academic year 2024-2025

20 € /ects.

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland ( The length of a study right is determined by the length of the study unit so that it covers all teaching and exams.

Literature acquisition costs / borrowing fees are not included.

Irrespective of time

You can study this course 1.8.2024-30.7.2025. Registration is open 5.8.2024-15.6.2025.


Learning method: Reading diary. You can write reading diary in english or finnish.

Register for studies

Registration guide:

I Click on the button to register. You will be directed to our registration service with the study unit already selected; click “In English” at the upper right-hand corner to change the language. If you want to, you can add several study units to your basket before you continue.

II Pay the study fee with the payment link included in verification email once you have completed the registration.

III You will receive your starting instructions within seven days of your registration. Please read them carefully. If you do not have a UEF account, you will also get instructions for activating one.

If you can’t find these messages, remember to check your email’s trash folder.

Registration starts:
2024-08-05 09:00
Registration ends:
2025-06-15 23:59