Results and Experiences of Community Intervention Programmes, lv.2024-2025 (English)
- Credits:
- 2 ECTS credits
- Location:
- Kuopio
- Continuous learning category:
- Social welfare and health care
- Teaching format:
- Online teaching
- Price:
- 40 € (VAT 0%)

Please note that there will be a short break in registration due to a system change. Registration closes on Friday, 17.11.2023 at 15:00 and opens again on Thursday, 23.11.2023 at 9:00.
Community Intervention: Example North Karelia Project.
You can study this course 1.8.2024-30.7.2025. Registration is open 5.8.2024-15.6.2025.
Modes of study
Web-Based Learning (100%). Reading diary, web-Based learning.
Evaluation criteria
Yliopiston lehtori, Kansanterveystieteen dosentti Rissanen Tiina
You can fin the course material in Moodle.
Price in academic year 2024-2025
20 € /ects.
For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland ( The length of a study right is determined by the length of the study unit so that it covers all teaching and exams.
Literature acquisition costs / borrowing fees are not included.
You can study this course 1.8.2024-30.7.2025. Registration is open 5.8.2024-15.6.2025.
Learning method: Reading diary. You can write reading diary in english or finnish.