Sales and buyer behavior in retailing, acad. year 2024 –25, online studies
- Credits:
- 6 ECTS credits
- Location:
- -
- Continuous learning category:
- Business and international collaboration
- Teaching format:
- Online teaching
- Price:
- 120 € (VAT 0%)

- understand the sales and marketing strategies, objectives, and tactics in retail business
- understand the principles of planning, budgeting and measurement in retailing
- evaluate strategies for approaching consumer and organizational buyers
- identify and compare sales techniques in international retailing
- analyze different motivations of consumer and organizational buyers
- recognize the importance of environmental and managerial impact on sales in retail business
- This course unit develops the following generic competences: critical thinking, internationality,
and digitalization
Fundamental elements of sales and sales management in international retail, contexts of B2B and B2C, market segmentation, roles of sales and marketing, consumer behavior and customer relationships, planning of sales and marketing
Study Materials
Jobber, D., Lancaster, G., & Le Meunier-FitzHugh, K. (2019). Selling and sales management (Eleventh edition.). Harlow: Pearson. The online version of the course book can be found via UEF-Primo service.
Study Modes: Online-course. The course is conducted as a web-based course, consisting of independent study of the course themes. Course completion consists of an individual essay and an online exam based on the course book.
Alternative exam dates: 5.11.2024, 10.12.2024, 13.2.2025, 10.4.2025 and essay return no later than May 15, 2025
Teacher: Katariina Ylönen
Evaluation: 0-5, individual essay 40 %, final exam 60 %
Teaching Language: English
The course is intermediate level.
The course includes Intermediate Studies in Marketing and Retailing ( Markkinointi ja vähittäiskauppa) and the Studies on Digital Retailing and E-Commerce (Digitaalisen kaupan opintokokonaisuus,
The study fee is 20 euros per ECTS credit for individual study unit. The study fee is paid at registration.
By paying the study fee, the student receives a temporary right to study that entitles them to attend a particular course. The right to study is course-specific, and is required to complete the course as specified in the syllabus for the term, covering both teaching and course exams. If the course is continuously open for registration, the maximum time to complete the course is from 1 August to 31 July for that academic year.
Continuous registration 5.8.2024- 9.3.2025.
Alternative exam dates: 5.11.2024, 10.12.2024, 13.2.2025, 10.4.2025 and essay return no later than May 15, 2025