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Yleiskuva kuvataiteen sivuaineopiskelijoiden näyttelystä Joensuun kampuskirjastossa 24.4.–5.5.2023

Art exhibition of minor subject students of visual art in Joensuu Campus Library

  • Library event
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Joensuun kampuskirjasto
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Going Visual Circles

According to Hans-Georg Gadamer, all understanding advances in circles by nature. With our preconceptions, we begin from one point of origin to an interpretation of another — a person, a text, a work of art... Encounters clarify our thoughts and assumptions, and we return “to ourselves as to another.” From this changed position we return to interpretation, and again we adjust our understanding – and so forth.

Artists and conversation partners of the exhibition:
Vuokko Palkovaara – Henry Moore
Lotta Pulkkinen – Georgia O’Keeffe
Riina Taskinen – Frida Kahlo
Susanna Turkia – William Morris
Iiro Turkki – Tizian
Emilia Turpeinen – Joan Miró
Minttu Väliharju – Edvard Munch