As a part of Kuopio Pride week, UEF organizes a virtual seminar in Zoom where researchers from UEF present their recent work, related to Pride themes. The stage is given to researchers Anni Rannikko and Iiris Lehto as well as to an early stage researcher Pauliina Lukinmaa. In addition, we have a guest lecturer Dasha Che, performance artist and queer feminist activist who will offer a short talk and a mini movement workshop.
The event is held mostly in Finnish, apart from Dasha Che’s talk and a short workshop which are held in English. Likewise, non-Finnish speaking audience is encouraged to ask in English.
You are warmly welcome to participate, no registration required!
Further information: tuuli.miinalainen[at]
14:15 Opening words
14:20 Anni Rannikko, researcher, UEF & Iiris Lehto, project researcher, UEF
Kaksi tarinaa itäsuomalaisesta queer-elämästä
14:50 Pauliina Lukinmaa, Early stage researcer, UEF
Piiloutumisen ja esiinastumisen taktiikoita: etnografisia tulkintoja LHBTIQ+ aktivismista Pietarissa
15:20 Dasha Che, performance artist, queer feminist activist, USA/RU/FIN
Weak queer body: New ways of exploring the connection with oneself and their queer kin?
15:50 Closing words and possible additional Q&A