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UNITWIN international network conference

Career Guidance and Counselling for Hope in the Anthropocene
  • Conference
  • Education and learning environments
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Joensuu campus, Metria building
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Yliopistokatu 7
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The Conference is organised by the career guidance and counselling units in University of Eastern Finland and University of Jyväskylä. 

Career guidance and counselling helps individuals plan for their futures. It is curious about the future changes and has potential for playing a key role in facilitating sustainable trajectories both for individuals and communities.

Recognizing that we live in an age of the Anthropocene means acknowledging our responsibility for keeping the planet habitable for future generations. This includes recognizing the fundamental entanglement and hybridized nature of ecological and social questions and challenges we are currently facing.

In this task, hope has been recognized as an approach in the professional field of career guidance and counselling for motivation to future planning in turbulent and uncertain times. How does building hope influence approaches of career guidance and counselling? How do we build hope in practice within career guidance and counselling contexts?

The conference is open for UNITWIN international network members and all colleagues interested in career guidance, decent work, life design and related topics. Registration is closed.

Keynote Speakers

Antti Rajala, Professor of Sociocultural Psychology and Education, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland:
Utopian methodologies: Engendering hope via educational research

Meenakshi Chhabra, Professor and Vice Provost, Fulbright Global Scholar & Fulbright faculty liaison, Lesley University, USA:
Restoring Dignity in the Anthropocene: Cultivating Hope Through the Ethics of Life

David Blustein, Professor, the Golden Eagle Faculty Fellow, Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at Boston College Boston College, USA:
Dignity at Work: A Critical Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda (Online keynote)

We will also hear a video lecture from professor emeritus, honorary UNITWIN Chair Jean Guichard:
Sustainable and equitable life-designing: Principles, concepts and methods

More information on the UniTwin Conference web pages

For further information, please contact Sanna Vehviläinen, email or Jussi Semi, email