We are a multidisciplinary and translational research community, covering basic and applied research, epidemiology and clinical research, and providing a translation from laboratory to clinics. We believe that innovative methods enable new and cost-effective treatment paths in primary and secondary health care. We are globally the leading community in musculoskeletal research focusing both on osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Our research community involves physicists, engineers, clinicians, biologists, and physiologists, supplemented with health economists, epidemiologists, and experts in quality of life research. This is a unique combination of disciplines in musculoskeletal research and there are no similar groups or consortia in the world. We are a world leader in musculoskeletal imaging, computational modeling, orthopedics, and epidemiology and we have developed, for example, novel imaging methods for diagnostics and modeling methods for the prediction of the disease progression.
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Research focus areas
The Musculoskeletal Diseases Research Community interconnected multidisciplinary research focus areas are:
- Improving understanding of the pathophysiology of musculoskeletal diseases through basic, applied, epidemiology and clinical research, and providing a translation from laboratory to clinical care
- Recognizing risk factors for musculoskeletal diseases by utilizing sophisticated models, patient questionnaires, and combined multidisciplinary approaches
- Developing novel imaging and modeling tools for improved diagnostics, patient-specific prediction of the disease progression, and optimized treatment planning
- Evaluating the effect and effectiveness of treatments and interventions of musculoskeletal diseases
Additionally, 10 key research topics are identified for the RC research development with high scientific breakthrough potential:
- Exercise/sports medicine and rehabilitation
- Mechanobiology, biomarkers, and pain mechanisms
- Tissue engineering
- Bone fracture and osteoarthritis risk assessment
- Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal diseases
- Mathematics in CR and MR imaging
- Comorbidity, subjective well-being, and health economic assessment
- Monitoring of the diseases
- Efficacy of common orthopedic interventions
- Nanoscale hyperspectral imaging
Biomechanical characterization at different length scales from cells to organs and organ systems to full body
-Multiple mechanical and and tribological testing equipment for tissues and biomaterials: Biomomentum robot MACH-1 V500CSS, Lloyd LF Plus Digital Testing Machine and Instron 8874 Mechanical Testing System.
-Atomic force microscope Park Systems XE100S for analysis of cell and tissue biomechanics and imaging, Park systems.
-Motion capture of, e.g, walking, running, and stair climbing in the lab combined with force measurements and breath gas analysis. The force and EMG measurements combined with analysis pipelines enable joint load estimation. Force plate test with realtime for athletes. Mobile full body motion capture and gas analysis for sports and physical ergonomics.
-Location: Kuopio campus, Snellmania 2nd floor.
-Contact person: Janne Mäkelä, Janne.Makela@uef.fi
MicroCT scanners
-Nikon XT H 225. 20-225kV, 225W, Voxel size 1-225µm, resolution 2µm.
-Skyscan 1172. 20-100kV, 10W, Voxel size 1-35µm, resolution 5µm.
-Location: Kuopio campus, Melania room 371
-Contact person: Janne Mäkelä, Janne.Makela@uef.fi
Microscopy and Spectroscopy for structural characterization
-Digital Densitometry
-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
-Polarized Light Microscopy
-Contact person: Janne Mäkelä, Janne.Makela@uef.fi
Clinical low-field magnetic resonance imaging
-Esaote E-scan XQ
-0.2 T
-Permanent magnet with open design
-Location: Kuopio campus, Mediteknia 1050
-Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Ultrasound scanners
-Telemed LS128 and EchoBlaster
-Transducers: LV7.5/60/128Z-2 and HL9.0/60/128Z-2
-synchronization and RF data outputs
-Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA laboratory
-Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Dual energy X-ray absoprtiometry (DXA) imaging device
-Lunar iDXA (GE Healthcare)
-Human bone mineral density and body composition measurements, osteoporosis diagnostics
-Location: Kuopio campus, Mediteknia room 3100
-Contact person: Toni Rikkonen, toni.rikkonen@uef.fi
OsteoMeasure histomorphometric analysis system
->300 microarchitectural quantification of full bone tissue
-17.28 megapixel resolution digital video camera
-360 degree rotatable specimen holder
-27 inch touchscreen monitor
-Location: Kuopio campus, Mediteknia 4066
-Contact person: XY Felix Tong, xiaoyu.tong@uef.fi
Camera-based human motion analysis system
- Vicon
- cameras Vicon Vero 1.3 and 2.2 (10 pcs.)
- reference camera Vicon Vue
- software Vicon Nexus 2
- floor-embedded force plates AMTI (2x aluminum, 1x composite material)
- Up to 10 meter walkway in motion capture volume
- Optitrack
- V120:Trio
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania Sn2054
- Contact person: Paavo Vartiainen, paavo.vartiainen@uef.fi
Instrumented treadmill
- Motek M-Gait split belt treadmill with force and torque sensors
- Motek D-flow software
- integrated to motion capture data collection
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania 2054
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Traditional treadmill
- Manufacturer: Telineyhtymä
- Max speed 25 km/h
- Inclination 0-8°
- Location: Kuopio campus, Mediteknia 1050
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Wearable sensor -based human motion analysis hardware
- Xsens Awinda wireless wearable orientation sensors (IMUs, 22 pcs)
- In-house software for real-time human 3D kinematics
- Xsens DOT sensors (5 pcs) for mobile app development
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania 2058
- Contact person: Paavo Vartiainen, paavo.vartiainen@uef.fi
Robot for rehabilitation and TMS navigation development environment
- KUKA lbr iiwa cobot arm integrated to real-time human 3D kinematics measurement
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania 2054
- Contact person: Paavo Vartiainen, paavo.vartiainen@uef.fi
Surface electromyography systems
- Delsys wireless system
- 14 x Trigno Avanti dry electrode sensors, and 2 x Trigno Snap Lead wet electrode sensors
- 2 x Trigno Quattro 4 channel dry electrodes, and 1 x Trigno Mini dry electrode (small sized)
- Trigno analog adapter, 2x goniometer adapters, trigger button.
- Data collection in motion analysis software and Trigno Discover software (lifetime license)
- Additional dongle for mobile use
- Mega Electronics ME6000
- Wireless system with wearable data locker
- 16 channels
- works as a multipurpose AD converter
- additional electrogoniometers, accelerometers and inclinometers
- Contact person: Paavo Vartiainen, paavo.vartiainen@uef.fi
Biosignal data collection system
- BIOPAC MP100 measurement system with amplifiers for ECG, EMG (2 channels), galvanic skin response (GSR), PPG, respiration (chest strap sensor) and skin temperature
- Portapress continuos blood pressure measurement
- Holter ECG devices (BIttium Faros 180 and 360) for long-term ECG/heart rate variability
- Actigraphy GT9X Link devices for long-term activity and sleep quality monitoring
- Contact person: Mika Tarvainen, mika.tarvainen@uef.fi
Bicycle ergometer
- Ergoline Ergoselect 200 K
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania Sn2037
- Contact person: Mika Tarvainen, mika.tarvainen@uef.fi
Indirect calorimetry
- Schiller CS-200 + Ganshorn PowerCube (metabolic cart)
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania Sn2037
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
- Cortex Metamax 3B (mobile system)
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
In-shoe pressure measurement system
- In-shoe pressure measurement system (Tekscan F-scan)
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA Lab, Snellmania 2058
- Contact person: Paavo Vartiainen, paavo.vartiainen@uef.fi
Photocell system for running/walking speed and jump height analysis
- SpinTest (tm)
- Contact person: Mika Venojärvi, mika.venojarvi@uef.fi
HUR standing balance analysis board + software
- Contact person: Mika Venojärvi, mika.venojarvi@uef.fi
Clinical ultrasound scanners
- Telemed LS128 and EchoBlaster
- Transducers: LV7.5/60/128Z-2 and HL9.0/60/128Z-2
- synchronization and RF data outputs
- Location: Kuopio campus, HUMEA laboratory
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Clinical low-field magnetic resonance imaging
- Esaote E-scan XQ
- 0.2 T
- Permanent magnet with open design
- Location: Kuopio campus, Mediteknia 1050
- Contact person: Lauri Stenroth, lauri.stenroth@uef.fi
Miscellaneous equipment at HUMEA Lab/Department of Applied Physics
- Knee and ankle flexion/extension force measurement bench
- Woodcast® cast & orthosis producing system for fast prototyping
- Gaze & head tracking system Smart Eye XO, and a wearable gaze tracker ViewPoint EyeTracker.
- Finger & hand tracking camera Leap Motion
- Tiltable bed for orthostatic static
- 3D printers Ultimaker S5 & S3
- Electronics and mechanics shops
- Driving simulator for physiological and kinematic monitoring of driver
- Contact person: Pasi Karjalainen, pasi.karjalainen@uef.fi
Musculoskeletal Research Research Community (MSKD) is a world-leader in musculoskeletal imaging, computational modeling, orthopedics, and epidemiology. It has large international and highly intersectoral collaborative network, including academia, public sector, and industry, bringing together physicists, engineers, clinicians, biologists, and physiologists with health economists, epidemiologists, and experts in quality-of-life research. Together they apply and secure competitive research funding from national and international funding instruments and have a major role in national and international master and doctoral study programmes. MSKD RC actively disseminates and communicates research results outside of UEF in conferences, seminars, and summer schools and participates in UEF research infrastructure investments.
The vision of the Musculoskeletal Diseases Research Community (MSKD) is to become a world class leader in personalized medicine for musculoskeletal diseases Research and Education. The main goals are to develop novel and innovative methods for the diagnostics, prediction, and prevention of musculoskeletal diseases, and to enable personalized and socio-economically optimal treatment planning for the patients.
Rami Korhonen
Heikki Kröger
Petteri Nieminen
Cristina Florea
Isaac Afara