The National Virus Vector Laboratory at the A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences produces quality-assured adeno, lenti, bakulo and AAV virus vectors not only on laboratory but also on a wider scale comprising two GMP level and three BSL2/BSL3 level laboratories with their bioreactors (10–100 L), incubators and laminars, vector concentration equipment, cell banks and measurement devices needed for characterisation. The National Virus Vector Laboratory is part of the EU’s ESFRI infrastructure, and it has produced GMP level vectors for phase I-II clinical studies for European multicentre studies. Furthermore, over the past decade, the National Virus Vector Laboratory has also produced clinical grade vectors for preclinical purposes for more than a hundred customers in Finland, the EU and outside the EU.
UEF infrastructure, national roadmap 2014–2020 (NVVL), part of the EATRIS project and EATRIS ERIC infrastructure on the ESFRI roadmap.
The services are aimed at research communities and biotechnology companies in Finland, in the EU and elsewhere in the world.
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences
Adenovirus vectors; Johanna Laakkonen
Lentivirus vectors; Petri Mäkinen
AAV vectors; Nihay Laham Karam