The activities of the University of Eastern Finland are supported and promoted by four non-profit foundations, which work close to the university, but are nevertheless independent. The activities of the Joensuu Campus are supported by Joensuu University Foundation, and the activities of the Kuopio Campus by Kuopio University Foundation, Antti and Tyyne Soininen Foundation, and Helena Vuorenmies Foundation. The rules and purpose of the foundations define their scope for activities.
Each of the foundations is represented by a board, which also uses the decision-making power of the foundation. The chair of the board of Joensuu University Foundation is the Rector / Academic Rector of the University of Eastern Finland appointed to the Joensuu Campus. The chair of the board of the foundations supporting the activities of the Kuopio Campus is the Rector / Academic Rector of the University of Eastern Finland appointed to the Kuopio Campus. The foundations' executive managers are in charge of the preparation and execution of the decisions of the board, as well as for the operational activities of the foundations.
Joensuu University Foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to support and raise awareness of the activities of the Joensuu Campus of the University of Eastern Finland.
The foundation awards grants to units operating on the Joensuu Campus of the University of Eastern Finland, supports events relating to its scope of operations, and also otherwise promotes the activities and public awareness of the Joensuu Campus of the University of Eastern Finland.
The foundation can accept donations, bequeathed assets and other assets given to the foundation to carry out activities supporting its purpose. Furthermore, at the request of a donator, it is also possible to set up a specific fund.
Joensuu University Foundation awards funding and grants for purposes decided yearly by the the Board of the Foundation:
1. International conferences on the Joensuu Campus
The grant is designed to promote international cooperation and networking by means of international conferences aimed at promoting scientific research and debate.
Applications must, as a rule, satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
- The conference promotes the areas of scientific research that are pursued on the Joensuu Campus
- A significant percentage of the participants are expected to be foreign nationals
- The language of the conference is English
- Credible evidence is provided on other likely sponsors of the conference as well as registration fees
- The conference is held on or in the vicinity of the Joensuu Campus
The following purposes and events are, as a rule, ineligible:
- National seminars with no foreign speakers
- Working meetings held for preparation for international research projects
- Conferences held abroad
- Researcher training courses and summer schools
- Events that have already taken place when decisions on awarding grants are made
Budget: Will be decided separately for each call.
Call for applications and application form will be published in university´s intranet.
Data protection and processing of personal data in UEF.
2. Regionally significant projects (co-financing or seed funding)
The Chair of the Board of the Foundation has the authority to award grants towards regionally significant projects within the budget approved by the Board.
Budget: Will be decided separately for each call.
Application period: continuous.
Joensuu University Foundation has its roots in Pohjois-Karjalan Yliopistoseura ry, an association formed by regional influencers in North Karelia seeking to support the establishment of a university in the region. Once that goal was achieved and the University of Joensuu established, the association discontinued its activities and assumed a new name: Joensuu University Foundation.
When the University of Joensuu and the University of Kuopio merged to constitute the University of Eastern Finland in 2010, the foundation kept its original name. Today, the purpose of the foundation is to support and raise awareness of the activities of the Joensuu Campus of the University of Eastern Finland.
The foundation’s decision-making power is used by its board, which comprises the university’s Rector/ Academic Rector based on the Joensuu Campus, as well as eight other members, four of whom are selected at the proposal of the university.
The foundation’s assets amount to approximately 5.5 million euros, consisting of stocks, two forest estates, apartments and liquid assets. The foundation's grant-awarding activities, which amount to almost 200,00 euros annually, are based on returns on assets and donations.
Postal address
Joensuu University Foundation
c/o University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Campus
P.O. Box 111
FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
Chair of the Board of Joensuu University Foundation
Rector Tapio Määttä
Tel. +358 505751589
Vice Chair of the Board of Joensuu University Foundation:
Professor Matti Turtiainen
Tel. +358 294455313
Executive Manager
Director of Strategy and Development Soili Makkonen
Tel. +358 294458208
Kuopio Campus foundations
Kuopio University Foundation, Antti and Tyyne Soininen Foundation and Helena Vuorenmies Foundation award grants yearly. The call for grant applications is published in August-September and the decisions on grants are made in November-December. Learn more about the funds of Kuopio University Foundations.
The grant application for the foundations will be opened on 2 September, 2024.
Grantees for 2024 will be notified in person of the grant awarded in November-December and the names of the grant recipients will be published in December.
- Grant policy (PDF document with Finnish and English versions)
- Research grants 2024 (PDF document with Finnish and English versions)
- Grant recipients
Kuopio University Foundation
Kuopio University Foundation's grants are for personnel and students of Kuopio Campus, University of Eastern Finland.
Applicants may apply grants from one or more funds if the applicant meet each funds individual requirements.
Grant applications are made using the electronic grant application system. With application form applicants ought to include only one in pdf format attachment, which includes the research plan (no more than 3-4 pages), curriculum vitae including list of original publications, and a statement from the applicant's supervisor.
The application period begins 2 September, 2024. Please submit your grant application by 27 September, 2024, at latest using the electronic grant application system.
Link to the electronic form for applying the Kuopio University Foundation's grants.
Antti ja Tyyne Soininen Foundation
The Soininen Foundation's grants are for students and personnel of Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland for cardiovascular research.
Grant applications are made using the electronic grant application system. With application form applicants ought to include only one in pdf format attachment, which includes the research plan (no more than 3-4 pages), curriculum vitae including list of original publications, and a statement from the applicant's supervisor.
The application period begins 2 September, 2024. Please submit your grant application by 27 September, 2024, at latest using the electronic grant application system.
Link to the electronic form for applying the Soininen Foundation's grants.
Helena Vuorenmies Foundation
The Vuorenmies Foundation's grant is for a young and talented researcher originally from Savo region for research in the field of metabolism and organ function regulation.
Grant applications are made using the electronic grant application system. With application form applicants ought to include only one in pdf format attachment, which includes the research plan (no more than 3-4 pages), curriculum vitae including list of original publications, and a statement from the applicant's supervisor.
The application period begins 2 September, 2024. Please submit your grant application by 27 September, 2024, at latest using the electronic grant application system.
Link to the electronic form for applying the Vuorenmies Foundation's grant.
Applications and report on grant use
In writing or by e-mail applications will not be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Applicants awarded a grant are required to deliver a report on use of the grant and research results by using a Foundation form.
Report on grant use must be delivered to the foundation by the end of the following year the grant was awarded.
Kuopio University Foundation
Postal address
Kuopio University Foundation
c/o Itä-Suomen yliopisto
P.O. 1627
FI-70211 Kuopio
Chair of the board
Vice Rector Jussi Pihlajamäki
Tel. +358 50 344 0187
Executive Manager
Petri Rintamäki
Tel. +358 50 575 9957
Satu Turunen
Tel. +358 40 3553698