We are a dynamic, international and research-intensive academic institution. Our faculty and staff include about 100 professionals, including 13 professors.
Our unifying goal is health promotion. We teach and study it on all levels from molecules to global issues. We publish about 200 peer reviewed international scientific articles annually, and a fair number of fresh PhDs.
We beat the path together with students who represent various programmes, such as health promotion, medicine and nutritional sciences and various disciplines: geriatrics, occupational health, general practice, public health and epidemiology. Every year, 20-30 new students from all around the world begin our international Master of Public Health programme. Our institute is also a popular target for international exchange students.
Experts and professionals
Publications in international journals per year
Attractive Health Sciences and Medical Programme – at the heart of health issues
In medical school, we teach primary health care and provide training sessions and internships for our future medical doctors in health care centers. We also offer specialist training in family medicine, geriatrics, occupational health, and health care systems for our newly graduated medical doctors.
The Finnish Health Promotion degree programme leads to a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Health Sciences. The programme offers three study tracks: Ergonomics and well-being at work, Sports and exercise medicine, and Health Promotion.
We are the only educator of licensed nutritionists in Finland. During the Master's degree programme, you can select to study modules of nutrition therapy, the food industry, international assignments, or sports nutrition.

Master's Degree Programme in Public Health
Master's Degree Programme in Public Health provides a strong foundation for understanding public health and related research, and, depending on the choice of track, issues of global health, public health nutrition, epidemiology, or health promotion in nursing science. Global health is the way of the future, and here at UEF we are at the centre of creating solutions for it.
Degree students
International students
The scientific research at our Institute is of high quality, internationally competitive and significant at the core of health, health promotion and the health care system.
We publish approximately 200 international peer-reviewed scientific papers and several PhD theses annually.
We have research collaborators on every continent, mostly in Europe and the United States, including some of the world’s top-ranked universities. We also have many contacts in Australia and collaboration is emerging with many centres in Asia and Africa.
Competitive outside funding covers about one-third of our annual budget. The primary funding sources have been the Academy of Finland, the European Union, Ministries in Finland, domestic and Nordic research foundations, and Business Finland.
Our research fields
Research groups and projects
News and events
Social media
Contact information
Get acquainted with our personnel in UEF Connect search service.
University of Eastern Finland’s Student and Learning Services is responsible for providing general study-related administrative services for students and staff, as well as offer support for applicants.
Read more: Student and Learning Services
Postal address
University of Eastern Finland
Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition
P.O. Box 1627
Street address
Yliopistonrinne 3
Canthia building, B wing