European Tax Law, lv. 2025-2025
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- Joensuu
- Kategoria:
- Juridiikka ja yhteiskunta
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Verkko-opetus, Monimuoto
- Hinta:
- 100 € (alv 0%)

Taxes in the EC Treaty, Impact of General Community Law on National Tax Law, European Tax Harmonization Policy, Value Added Tax, Excises, Direct Tax Directives.
More information in course catalogue Please, check timetables before registration and payment.
Learning outcomes
To provide students a basic knowledge of European Tax Law.
Study Methods: Literature examination. The student may also write an essay and thereby replace all of the literature exam. The topic of the essay must be prior approved by the contact person, who will inform the student of the general essay requirements. The course can be passed with an online email exam. The exam questions will be posted on the eLearn/Moodle platform at the time of the exam announced. Answers must be sent to Niko Svensk by email within two hours of the start of the exam.
The exam may be taken four times during the academic year.The language of the course is English / Finnish.
Open University students registration to exam or seminar: choose exam date/seminar and then send email at the latest 10 days before exam/14 days before seminar and we add your registration to Peppi.
Register for individual study units. Study units cost 20 e / credit. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025.
Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opintomaksuihin sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin: Opinto-oikeus ja maksuehdot. Opiskeluoikeus päättyy aina lukuvuoden päättyessä viimeistään heinäkuun lopulla.
Kirjallisuuden hankinta/lainauskulut eivät sisälly opintomaksuun.
Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä koulutussihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.