Public EU Law, lv. 2024-2025
- Laajuus:
- 5 opintopistettä
- Kampus tai kaupunki:
- Joensuu
- Kategoria:
- Juridiikka ja yhteiskunta
- Toteutusmuoto:
- Itsenäinen opiskelu, Lähiopetus, Etäopetus
- Hinta:
- 100 € (alv 0%)

The content of the course focuses on the European integration process, decision making procedures in the Union institutions and constitutional developments.
More information in course catalogue. Please, check timetables before registration and payment.
The student will
- become familiar with the main developments of the integration process in the European Union
- understand the constitutional nature and structure of the European Union
- understand the institutional framework and the legislative process of the EU and identify some of the main problems and open questions in this respect
- recognize the institutional framework and the legislative process of the EU
Study methods: The course consists of 10 hours of voluntary lectures and a mandatory electronic exam, which requires approximately 125 hours of independent study. The electronic exam is available annually from August to May. Please sign up for the exam at: For any problems in using Exam, please contact the university's eLearning Support Services (
It is to be recommended that the students have taken a course on the foundations of EU law before attending the course.
- Open University students registration to exam/lectures by emailing and we add your registration to Peppi.
Ilmoittaudu yksittäisille opintojaksoille 20€ / opintopiste, 20€ /credit. Hinnat ovat voimassa lukuvuoden 2024-2025.
Tutustu avoimen yliopisto-opetuksen opintomaksuihin sekä maksu- ja perumisehtoihin: Opinto-oikeus ja maksuehdot. Opiskeluoikeus päättyy aina viimeistään 30.7.2025.
Kirjallisuuden hankinta/lainauskulut eivät sisälly opintomaksuun.
Jos työnantaja maksaa opintomaksun, ota yhteyttä koulutussihteeriin; katso yhteystiedot alla.
The language of instruction is English.