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HIWE-hankkeen Open Forum -tapahtuman livestream

High-skilled internationals: bottom-up insights into policy innovation for work and entrepreneurship in Finland (HIWE) -tutkimushankkeessa tarkastellaan eri maista, taustoista ja aloilta tulevien kansainvälisten osaajien kokemuksia Suomesta.
  • Webinaari
  • Talous ja yhteiskunta
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Welcome to follow the HIWE project’s closing event on YouTube!

HIWE – High-skilled internationals: bottom-up insights into policy innovation for work and entrepreneurship in Finland is a Business Finland funded research project implemented by University of Eastern Finland and University of Turku.

No preregistration, just join the live stream. There will be a chat available for your questions and comments during the event.

Preliminary programme

Tero Montonen, University of Eastern Finland and Ulla Hytti, University of Turku. How to promote highly skilled internationals’ employment, entrepreneurship, and workplace inclusion in Finland? Results and policy recommendations from the HIWE project.

Funder’s perspective: Business Finland. 
Highly skilled internationals’ perspective: Vaida Kavaliukaite-Kaijanmäki
Company perspective: Mika Mustakallio, Chairman and Co-founder of REMMI.

Read more about the HIWE project in the address www.hiwe.fi.

For further information, please contact Piritta Parkkari, email piritta.parkkari@uef.fi.