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Five top candidates will continue in the recruitment process for the posts of Vice Rector of the University of Eastern Finland

The Board of the University of Eastern Finland selected, based on applications and interviews, five Vice Rector candidates for public hearings organised for the university community and the second round of interviews. The Board made the selections at a meeting held on 20 May 2024.

Of the persons who applied for the post of Vice Rector for Research, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, Professor of Ecotoxicology, PhD Jussi Kukkonen and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Professor of Clinical Nutrition, MD Jussi Pihlajamäki will continue to the next phase of the recruitment process.

As regards the post of Vice Rector for Education, the following persons will continue in the recruitment process: Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, Professor of Computer Science, PhD Markku Hauta-Kasari, Vice Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, Professor of Educational Sciences, DEd Laura Hirsto and Professor of Logopedics, PhD (Psych.) Marja Laasonen.

In its selections among applicants for the post of Vice Rector for Research, the Board placed emphasis on their views on the multifaceted development of research. Among applicants for the post of Vice Rector for Education, their views on the multifaceted development of learning and teaching were emphasised. In addition, the Board emphasised the candidates' ability to work with stakeholder and collaboration networks, as well as their experience and expertise in international activities.

At the public hearings organised by the University Collegiate Body, the candidates will introduce themselves to the university community on 27 May on the Kuopio campus and on 28 May on the Joensuu campus. 

The university Board will interview the top candidates on 12 June 2024. The Vice Rectors will be selected on 13 June 2024.

A total of 17 applications were received for the two posts of Vice Rector, of whom ten were invited to the first round of interviews.

Further information:

Chair of the UEF Board Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen, tel. +358 50 337 8712