In this autumn’s application round, Kone Foundation awarded 42.5 million euros to researchers and artists. At the University of Eastern Finland, 13 research projects were selected for funding by Kone Foundation, with the total funding amounting to 2.6 million euros.
The largest single grant, 475,100 euros, was awarded to University Lecturer Jari Martikainen of the Department of Social Sciences. The project relates to war and refugees and it examines the impressions and experiences that young people who have moved to Savo, Eastern Finland, from Ukraine and the Middle East, and Finnish young people living in Savo have of each other, their own lives and their future.
Led by Martikainen, the project examines how images of a group of people with a different cultural background are formed and how the meanings given to Savo as a place become interwoven in the relationship between the groups. The aim is to highlight the voice of young people belonging to minority groups and to support their participation in society.
Projects selected for Kone Foundation funding at the University of Eastern Finland:
- Doctoral Researcher Judith Brenner: AI-Powered Automatic Translation for Creative Video Games – Different Post-Editing Methods in the Translation Process and their Effects on Translations and Translators, 96,000 euros.
- Project Researcher Victor Carrasco Navarro, PhD, and working group: Plastic chemical cocktails: fate and risks in freshwater ecosystems, 231,200 euros.
- Associate Professor Anna-Maija Castrén and working group: Networks of reproduction in the complex planetary future: Intimacy, companionship and family building in Finland, Portugal, and Scotland, 386 400 euros.
- Researcher Emilia Korkea-aho and working group: Lobbaus Suomen kunnissa, 367,500 euros.
- Maarit Laihonen, DSc (Economics and Business Administration), MSocSc, Ydinvoiman menneisyyden ja tulevaisuuden politiikka ja etiikka, 150,400 euros.
- Professor Larisa Leisiö and working group työryhmä: Kielisilta ukrainan ja suomen välille, 98,500 euros.
- Senior University Lecturer Sunil Kumar Lindström Ramamoorthy and working group: Sustainable wood fibers: current trends and the future, 70,300 euros.
- Project Researcher Pauliina Lukinmaa, MSocSc: Ylirajaisen solidaarisuuden muotoja kriisin aikana: Pietarilaislähtöisten LHBTIQ+ aktivistien toiminta Baltiassa, 130,000 euros.
- University Lecturer Jari Martikainen and working group: Ryhmienvälisiä suhteita ja paikallisia kohtaamisia – Maahanmuuttajataustaisten ja suomalaisten nuorten mielikuvia toisistaan, elämästään ja tulevaisuudestaan monikulttuurisessa Savossa, 475,100 euros.
- Project Researcher Moritz Petersmann: Fit for governing the triple planetary emergency? Towards enabling sustainability transformations at international science-policy interfaces, 126,000 euros.
- University Lecturer, Docent Anna Sofia Salonen, Doctor of Theology, and working group: Utopioita ruokajonosta: Aineellisen avun toisenlaiset tulevaisuudet, 351,800 euros.
- University Researcher Maria Takala-Roszczenko, Doctor of Theology, MA, and working group: Ukrainan äänet: tieteellis-taiteellinen hanke musiikin merkityksistä ja kohtaamisista musiikissa, 42,590 euros.
- Janne Toivonen, MSc (Agriculture and Forestry): Metsien rakenteellisen monimuotoisuuden arviointi lentolaserkeilauksen ja optisen datan avulla, 77,500 euros.