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Minna Canth.

Minna Canth (1844-1897). Photo: Kuopio Cultural History Museum

New Minna Canth Prize to be awarded year 2026 – UEF involved in collaboration

A new Minna Canth Prize was announced at the Minna Canth seminar held in Kuopio on 19 March 2025, and will be awarded next year to a democracy promoter. The prize is worth 35,000 euros, and its first award ceremony will be held in Kuopio on Minna Canth Day on 19 March 2026.

The prize was announced by author Sirpa Kähkönen, who highlighted Minna Canth's importance in Finland's social development. The winner will be chosen by a specially invited jury, and anyone can submit proposals for the prize during next autumn.

In addition to Sirpa Kähkönen, the preparing working group includes Genelec CEO Siamäk Naghian, Savon Sanomat Editor-in-Chief Matti Pietiläinen, and University of Eastern Finland Professor Jukka Mönkkönen, who will chair the working group.

The Minna Canth Prize is funded by Genelec Oy, the Olvi Foundation and the Säästöpankki Optia Foundation. The partners of the prize are the City of Kuopio, Savon Sanomat and the University of Eastern Finland.

The recipient of the prize promotes freedom of speech, the principles of democracy and civil society, social equal opportunities and inclusion, equality, social responsibility and education, and well-being through science or culture.

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