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Tuija Alava.

Tuija Alava, an expert by experience for Pohjois-Savon Muisti, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease while still in working life. Alava lives alone and copes well in her everyday life, but she also receives regular assistance from home care services.

People with dementia and the right to independent life

Experiences of people with dementia and their family members show researchers how a progressive illness affects the realisation of the fundamental rights, and how the status of people with dementia can be improved.

  • Text Risto Löf | Photo Raija Törrönen

It is not enough for legislation to safeguard the rights of people with dementia, but their rights must also be realised in practice.

Kaijus Ervasti

Professor of Law and Society

The earlier the diagnosis is made, the sooner it is possible to prepare for what’s ahead, and to get guidance and counselling.

Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen

Professor of Law and Ageing