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UEF professors’ inaugural lectures on Joensuu Campus on 25 September and on Kuopio Campus on 27 September

The lecture topics range from cultural studies, education and society to AI, environmental law, aerosols, atmosphere and neuroscience.

The University of Eastern Finland’s newly appointed professors will give their traditional inaugural lectures on the Joensuu Campus on 25 September and on the Kuopio Campus on 27 September 2024.

This year, a total of 23 professors from the university’s four faculties will give a lecture, providing a popular overview of the key themes of their discipline and own research.

The lecture topics include, e.g., pedagogy and education, translation studies, cultural studies, wood products technology, molecular biology and genetics, law and society, social and public policy, sociology, environmental law, aerosols and atmosphere, embedded AI, orthopaedics and traumatology, and neuroscience.

Professors’ inaugural lectures will be held on the Joensuu Campus in the Metria Building (M100, M101, M102), and on the Kuopio Campus in the Medistudia Building (MS300, MS301, MS302).

The lectures are mainly recorded, and the video recordings can later be viewed via the university's website: On the website, you can also get to know the professors and their field of expertise in interview stories.


Professors' inaugural lectures on Joensuu Campus, 25 September 2024

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Philosophical Faculty, Auditorium M100, Metria Building, starting at 13:15

  • Heidi Hyytinen, University Pedagogy. Lecture title: Yliopistopedagogiikka tulevaisuuden rakentajana (in Finnish).
  • Sonja Kosunen, General Education. Lecture title: Koulutus ja eriarvoisuus (in Finnish).
  • Erkko Sointu, Special Education. Lecture title: Opetusmenetelmien kehittäminen ja oppimisen tukeminen (in Finnish).
  • Maarit Koponen, Translation Studies. Lecture title: Kääntäjät ja kääntimet monikielisessä yhteiskunnassa (in Finnish).
  • Simo Mikkonen, Sociocultural Remembering. Lecture title: Muistikonfliktit ja Euroopan tulevaisuus: menneisyyden merkitykset arjesta maailmanpolitiikkaan (in Finnish).
  • Tuija Saresma, Cultural Studies. Lecture title: Kulttuurintutkimuksen sateenvarjo (in Finnish).

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, Auditorium M101, Metria Building, starting at 14:55

  • Henrik Heräjärvi, Wood Products Technology. Lecture title: Puutuotteet kestävän kehityksen valtavirrassa (in Finnish).
  • Jaakko Pohjoismäki, Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics. Lecture title: Molekyylibiologia ja genetiikka: avaimia elämän kielioppiin (in Finnish).

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Auditorium M102, Metria Building, starting at 13:15

  • Kaijus Ervasti, Law and Society. Lecture title: Yhteiskunnallinen oikeustutkimus – matkalla marginaalista valtavirtatutkimukseksi (in Finnish).
  • Mikko Jakonen, Social and Public Policy. Lecture title: Työssäkäyvät köyhät yhteiskuntapolitiikan ongelmana (in Finnish).
  • Annalisa Savaresi, International Environmental Law. Lecture title: A Just Transition? The Role of Courts and Litigation in Achieving Net Zero Societies.
  • Seita Vesa, Environmental Law. Lecture title: Legal Pathways to Sustainability: From Emergence to Interdisciplinary Action.

Professors' inaugural lectures on Kuopio Campus, 27 September 2024

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, Auditorium MS300, Medistudia Building, starting at 9:15

  • Harri Kokkola, Aerosol-Cloud Interactions. Lecture title: Aerosolien ja pilvien rooli muuttuvassa ilmastossa (in Finnish).
  • Leo Kärkkäinen, Embedded Systems. Lecture title: Sulautettu tekoäly (Embedded AI) (in Finnish).
  • Mikko Nissi, Medical Physics and Technology. Lecture title: Kvantitatiivinen magneettikuvaus – kuvista määriin (in Finnish).
  • Siegfried Schobesberger, Atmospheric Chemistry. Lecture title: Understanding the atmosphere on a molecular level.
  • Anna Lähde, Aerosol Technology. Lecture title: Sustainable materials and applications with aerosol technology and thermal processes.

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Auditorium MS301, Medistudia Building, starting at 9:15

  • Joonas Sirola, Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Lecture title: Ortopedian ja traumatologian alan tutkimuksen ja opetuksen tulevaisuus Suomessa – miten Itä-Suomen yliopistosta tehdään tieteenalan huippukeskus? (in Finnish).
  • Sanna Salmi, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. Lecture title: Tulehduksellisten hengitystiesairauksien riskitekijät ja ehkäisy (in Finnish).
  • Annakaisa Haapasalo, Molecular Neurodegeneration. Lecture title: Otsalohkodementian translationaalinen tutkimus – molekyylimekanismeista tautibiomarkkereihin ja uusiin hoitoihin (in Finnish).
  • Alina Solomon, Neuroepidemiology. Lecture title: Multimodal strategies for dementia risk reduction.

Inaugural lectures by professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Auditorium MS302, Medistudia building, starting at 9:15

  • Anna-Maija Castrén, Sociology. Lecture title: Yhteiskunta läheissuhteissamme (in Finnish).
  • Tomi Mäki-Opas, Social and Public Policy. Lecture title: Hyvinvointi ja eriarvoisuus: kohti vaikuttavuusperustaista yhteiskuntapolitiikkaa (in Finnish).