The University of Eastern Finland has a new partner university in Albania, i.e., Logos University College (ULogos), which is also UEF’s first Albanian partner university. Collaboration began in 2017 when Lecturer of Orthodox Religious Education Risto Aikonen, together with the Orthodox Church of Albania, organised a conference on Orthodox religious education for researchers and teachers in the field. That also led to the forging of contacts with Logos University College later on.
“A delegation from Albania visited us here in eastern Finland last week. The visit was based on a project funded by the Erasmus+ Mobility Fund, which was due to start in 2019. However, the first staff visits haven’t been possible until now, in spring 2022. The goal is for yet another delegation from Albania to visit us this spring,” Aikonen says.
Staff from UEF, on the other, will make two visits to Albania before the project ends at the end of this academic year.

Common interests
Logos University College is interested in collaborating and promoting mobility especially with UEF.
“The aim is to discuss the similarities and differences in theology education between Finland and Albania. These discussions will address the interpretation of biblical texts, patristic theology, liturgical tradition, and the significance of religious education in the humanities.”
According to Aikonen, future discussions will be very useful not only for students from both universities, but also for academic staff. Hopefully, the discussions will also serve as a basis for joint research programmes.
The aim is also to examine how the study of religion and teacher education, especially teacher education in Orthodox religious education, is looked at in an environment where the Orthodox Church is a minority.
“ULogos is very interested in UEF’s practices; after all, Finnish education is seen as a world leader.”
Opportunities for mobility for administrative staff, too
The objectives set out in UEF’s strategy concerning the internationalisation of students and staff will be realised through the collaboration with ULogos. International mobility is also encouraged in the Philosophical Faculty.
“We hope that also members of our administrative staff will be involved in international collaboration and staff mobility, as it could provide a way to enhance administrative work, too.“
“And both universities also recognise staff mobility as part of teachers’ annual work plan.”
The staff mobility programme from ULogos, including past and future visits, is coordinated and implemented by Risto Aikonen and Senior Coordinator Kirsi Karjalainen from International Development Services.
Logos University was founded in 2008 and it operates on two campuses. The university was founded by Professor Anastasios Yannoulatos, Professor Emeritus of the Theological Faculty of the University of Athens. He is also the Archbishop of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania, and the Chair of the LOGOS Foundation. In other words, the university is an Orthodox university. The university comprises the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication, and the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Closest links to UEF consists of the Department for Theology and Culture, the Department of Greek Language and Civilization, and the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. The latter provides Bachelor’s level education for pre-school teachers, among other things.