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Rainbow flags in front of the Snellmania building.

University of Eastern Finland participates in Kuopio Pride Week

The University of Eastern Finland will take part in Kuopio Pride Week on 5-8 June 2024. Pride Week celebrates and raises awareness of the rights, equality and inclusion of sexual and gender minorities. The university’s efforts to promote equality and inclusion are developed throughout the year in collaboration with students and staff. This work is guided by the university’s Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Committee. 

Last year, for the first time, university staff and students had the opportunity to apply for financial support to promote equal opportunities and inclusion, with eight projects receiving funding. The deadline for 2024 applications has just closed, and decisions on funded projects are expected to be made in June. 

Equality work is visible in everyday life on the campuses in Kuopio and Joensuu. The number of gender-inclusive toilets has further increased, and this year, accessible toilets have also been labelled as gender-inclusive. On the Joensuu Campus, there are about 30 gender-inclusive toilets, and on the Kuopio Campus, there are 16. Additionally, the university’s teacher training schools have gender-inclusive toilets. 

To promote equality and inclusion, the university has now published a Guide to Inclusive Language. The guide aims to encourage language that acknowledges equality and inclusion in daily life. The guide can be accessed on the university’s Equal and Accessible University webpage.  

“The work to promote inclusion and equal opportunities is ongoing. There is always something to learn and improve, and this work continues. We progress step by step towards an ever more equal and inclusive UEF,” notes Ulla Hurskainen, Director of Human Resources and Staff Well-being. 

Perspectives can also be broadened through literature: the UEF Library is celebrating Kuopio Pride Week with both traditional and virtual book exhibitions. The Kuopio Campus Library is displaying Pride-themed literature throughout this week. The virtual book exhibition can be found on UEF Primo.

The week culminates in a Pride Parade and a park picnic  organized by Pohjois-Savon Seta and partners. Rainbow flags are flying on Kuopio campus from Wednesday to Friday.