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Code of Conduct

Eettisten ohjeiden kuvitus.
Eettisten ohjeiden kuvitus.

Information is at the core of the activities of the University of Eastern Finland. Our activities are based on scientific research. Open science and research are included in the university’s operating principles and strategy.

Each researcher has the right to choose the subject of their research, as well as the research methods and the publication channel that they use. However, the research project or the person’s role may set limitations to the independent choices of researchers. Each researcher is responsible for their choices. 

Every researcher and research group must follow good scientific practice throughout the life cycle of their research. Our university is committed to complying with the guidelines on good scientific practice and research integrity published by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. 

Research and its results must be independent. The duties of a researcher include assessing the activities of their partners and abstaining from collaboration if the partner does not, in the researcher’s view, act in an ethical and responsible manner. We do not accept funding from actors whose activities are not ethical, responsible or in line with human rights or from funders whose activities may involve motives that are inappropriate or in conflict with the university’s values.

The leader of the research group is responsible for ensuring that the roles of the parties, the principles applied to authorship and the rights of access to materials are agreed upon in advance within the research project or research group.

The researcher must follow data acquisition, research and evaluation methods that meet the criteria set for scientific research and are ethically sustainable. The researcher must observe integrity, diligence and precision in the collection, processing, storage, presentation and evaluation of data. The researcher or research group is responsible for the necessary research permits, consents and ethical reviews.

The researcher must follow the legislation pertaining to AI, the university’s guidelines, and the rules and conditions of the publisher and publication platforms. The use of AI must be mentioned when the results of the research are published, and in the documents produced during the life cycle of the research..

Eettisten ohjeiden kuvitus.

Teachers have the freedom to decide on the contents and methods of their teaching within the limits set by the curriculum. Students have the right to make choices related to learning and completing their degree within the limits set by the curriculum.

Teachers base their teaching on research. Students adopt a research-based mode of working and become familiar with research activities during their studies.

Education is subject to leadership. Teaching is of a high standard and aims at learning. Students are responsible for their own learning. Fraud and dishonesty are not part of university studies. Students have the right to receive sufficient guidance and counselling that is of a high standard, as well as answers to questions related to teaching from the teacher or other parties.

Pedagogical well-being is generated by a combination of individual actions, genuine and open interaction between the members of the community and the individual’s own experiences. Pedagogical well-being requires the contribution of each member of the community.

Teachers are aware of teacher-student power relations and act responsibly in this respect. Everyone is responsible for ensuring a positive, transparent, equal, fair, honest and respectful studying atmosphere and attitude towards other members of the community. Interaction is respectful, trustworthy and constructive. Teachers create the conditions for a peaceful working environment and intervene if they notice related problems or inappropriate behaviour. 

Eettisten ohjeiden kuvituskuva

We treat everyone equally regardless of gender, gender identity and its expression, age, status, ethnic or national origin, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, opinions, participation in political or trade union activities, family relationships, health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. Different treatment must always be based on law.

We do not accept any kind of discrimination, improper or inappropriate behaviour, bullying, racism or sexual or other harassment.

All members of the academic community have the right to experience appreciation. We treat each other in a positive, transparent, honest and respectful manner, also taking account of gender equality and equal opportunities.

We recognize and acknowledge the power structures and power relations related to our activities.

The university has different opportunities for participation and inclusion, which are communicated clearly and transparently. The aim is to enable participation and influencing opportunities also in English.

The management of working is of a high standard. Good leadership listens to the work community and is open in its decision-making.

Eettisten ohjeiden kuvitus.

The university aims to ensure a healthy, safe and accessible work and study environment for all. The members of the community are responsible for following health and safety practices and for the cleanliness and pleasantness of the environment. Not only pleasantness but also biodiversity is taken into account in the management of outdoor areas. The university campuses are smoke-free.

The university’s property and resources must be used carefully and for the intended purpose, i.e., for teaching, studying and research, and for activities supporting them. Financial resources are used responsibly, and procurements are made in a coordinated manner based on need and discretion. The principles of responsible investment are followed in the university’s investment activities. The university’s accounting is carried out diligently. 

The university protects information assets and intellectual property rights, and everyone must respect them in their work. Our university follows good information management practices. Members of the university community have a responsibility to ensure information security, data protection, confidentiality of information and privacy protection as part of everyday activities. In general, we act carefully and report any observed errors and problems without delay. The university provides support in matters related to information security and data protection.

Eettisten ohjeiden kuvitus.

The university’s task is to promote social development through research and education. We seek to build a more responsible and sustainable future, being impactful from a regional level to a global level. Sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme in all our activities, which are guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Research and education play a key role in resolving sustainability challenges, in addition to which we also act sustainably in everyday life. We adhere to the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) principle.

UEF’s partners are expected to act in an ethical and responsible manner. We do not cooperate with actors who do not comply with our values. The selection of partners aims at regional and global impact. We comply with the sanctions imposed by the EU and the UN and the obligations related to dual-use items.

The university’s communication is based on openness and the accuracy of data. The university’s task is to communicate on research findings and to defend the freedom of science. As a university community, we do not accept hate speech or other inappropriate behaviour in our communication channels.

We do not accept any bribery or attempts for bribery. As a community, we are committed to avoiding any conflicts of interest in order to guarantee the impartiality of our activities. Mutually beneficial cooperation is ethical and clearly communicated in order to prevent confusion between gratuitous donations and mutually beneficial cooperation.