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Open University: Basic Studies in Social Sciences 2024-2025

Open university
smart for good
25 ECTS credits
Continuous learning category:
Law and society
Teaching format:
Independent learning
375 € (VAT 0%)
Jatkuva oppiminen verkkosivut


Studies in Social Sciences consist of sociology and social and public policy, along with social scientific thinking. The module provides students with a basic understanding of society as an object of enquiry, the materialization of social structures in everyday life, and public policy in the context of a welfare state. Upon completion, the students will be familiar with key theoretical approaches in social sciences and will understand their role in analyzing society. They will also have some experience in reading social scientific research texts.

In the Open University, students can take the 25cr Basic studies in social sciences module, as well as individual courses. The studies are provided online as self-study courses, and can thus be completed from any location and on a schedule chosen by the student.

This study Module is part of our Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Sciences.

Read more about degree studies in Social Sciences on our website.

Join our English-language info on August 14th at 3 pm about open university studies and learn more!

The courses are available online and can be studied between 1.9.2024-30.4.2025.

Open University registration is open 8.8.2024-1.4.2025 at Opintopolku and UEF website.

The basic studies consist of the following courses:

Study methods and study guidance

The basic study module consists of five courses. You can either study the entire module or choose individual courses from the basic study module according to your own interests.

The courses are self-study online courses in the Moodle learning environment. The online courses include lecture recordings and written materials. Based on the literature and lectures, various written assignments are given.

All courses are open from 1.9.2024-30.4.2025, and you can study at your own pace by accessing the modules from anywhere using your own device.

Once you have registered in the studies, you will receive instructions on how to get started. You will be given UEF user credentials, which you can use to log in to the Moodle learning environment. E-learning environment will provide you with the necessary instructions for studying.

You will receive assistance and support for your studies from the staff of the Open University: the study coordinator, the training secretary, and the study counselor. The course teachers are also there to support you in your studies.

If you complete the entire study module, we recommend that you take the courses in consecutive order, starting with the course 'What is Society?'.

Instructions for registration 

You can register for studies a) one study unit at a time, in which case the price of the studies is 20 e/ECTS or b) the entire basic study package (5 study units) at once, in which case the price of the studies is 375€ (15€/ECTS credit). 

You can register for individual courses on each course's own page. You can access the course's own page by clicking on the name of the course from the list above. You can register for the basic studies module/package (all 5 courses) on this page. 

It is possible to register for the basic studies module/package until 30 November 2024. You can register for individual courses even after this. 

You get the right to study from the moment you register for studies until the end of the academic year (July 30, 2025). In practice, it is possible to complete each course until the last completion date of the current academic year (for example, until the last exam day of the academic year or the return date of the learning assignment). 

Please note that if you are not able to complete all the study units of the basic study unit during the current academic year, you must register and pay for the study unit again in the following academic year. 

For more information

Registration and other practical matters:

Maarit Kankaanpää, Student Affairs Secretary, UEF Open univeristy

Veera Kiiski, Continuous Learning Specialist, UEF Open University

Content of the studies:

Teppo Eskelinen, University Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences UEF

Yasemin Kontkanen, Doctoral Researcher, Department of Social Sciences UEF 

The study fee for individual courses is 20 e / ECTS credit and 15€/ECTS credit for study modules. This price holds for the academic year 2024–2025. 

For more information on study fees and payment and cancellation terms, please see: Registration, study fees and right to study | University of Eastern Finland (

The length of a study right is determined by the length of the study unit so that it covers all teaching and exams. If the study unit has continuous registration, the study right is from 1.8.2024 to 30.7.2025. 

Literature  acquisition costs and borrowing fees are not included in the tuition fee. If your employer is to pay your tuition fee, please contact our Student Affairs Secretary. Contact details below. 

Irrespective of time

The courses are available online and can be studied between 1.9.2024-30.4.2025.

Open University registration is open 8.8.2024-1.4.2025 at Opintopolku and UEF website.


Register for studies

Using the registration link on this page, you can register to all five courses at once for a total cost of 375€ (15€/ECTS credit point). This registration option is available until 30.11.2024. Alternatively, you may register for one course at a time with a price of 20€/ECTS credit point. Please note that if you already have registered for an individual course, you cannot register for the full study module. 

The study right for the study module is valid for the academic year 2024-2025. However, please note that each course has its own schedule and deadlines and not all courses are available year-round. Please check the individual course schedules before registering. 

Registration guide: 

I. Click the button below to register. You will be directed to our registration service with the study unit already selected; click “In English” at the upper right-hand corner to change the language. If you want to, you can add several study units to your basket before you continue.


II. Proceed in the registration service. You will receive a payment link. After paying, you will receive a confirmation email from Paytrail (payment processor) and a confirmation of your registration from the university. 

III. You will receive your starting instructions within seven days of your registration. Please read them carefully. If you do not have a UEF account, you will also get instructions for activating one. 

If you can’t find these messages, remember to check your email’s trash folder. 

If you cannot use identification (identification with online banking codes or a mobile certificate), please contact a Student Affairs Secretary Maarit Kankaanpää ( to register. 

Registration starts:
2024-08-08 09:00
Registration ends:
2025-04-01 23:59