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Borders, Mobilities and Cultural Encounters research community webinar

BOMOCULT Global Borderings Webinar Series: Rereading Intersectionality and the Experiences of Migrant Women
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  • Economy and society
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The webinar organized by the Borders, Mobilities and Cultural Encounters (BOMOCULT) research community at the University of Eastern Finland offers Dr. Nasrin Khandoker's (Department of Sociology, the University of Limerick) lecture "Rereading Intersectionality and the Experiences of Migrant Women". 

In this talk, Dr. Nasrin Khandoker rereads and reexamines the idea of intersectionality that was developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw and that dominated feminist and critical race theories for the last three decades to address the invisibility of multiple marginalized subjects. In so doing, she draws upon the works of Jasbir K. Puar and Maria Lugones and challenges the canonical understanding of intersectionality in relation to the experiences of migrant women for whom Gender-based Violence (GBV) is a significant concern. The data that she will present in the talk are based on her previous postdoctoral research on migration and gender violence (GBV-MIG project at NUIG). Dr. Nasrin tends to assert that migrant women's imagined positionality in the intersection of the categories of “migrant” and “gender” is insufficient to capture their lived realities or to provide them with a sense of belonging. 

Dr. Nasrin Khandoker (Department of Sociology, the University of Limerick) is currently working on the Sustainable Alliances Against Anti-Muslim Hatred (SAALAM) Project. She also worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the GBV-MIG project at NUIG, a seven-country study on migration and gender-based violence funded by EU Gender Net Plus. Before moving to Ireland, she was an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. She received a Wenner-Gren Wadsworth fellowship from the US and a John and Pat Hume scholarship from Maynooth University for her PhD, awarded in 2021. The title of her Ph.D. dissertation is Songs of Deviance and Defiance: Subjectivity, Emotions, and Authenticity in Bhawaiya Folk Songs of North Bengal. 

Contact person: Minna Piipponen, minna.piipponen(at)

Zoom Meeting ID: 635 5698 1125