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Photo of a newborn baby sleeping on the mother's hand.

Kuopio Birth Cohort Symposium

Over 10 years of research into the wellbeing of mothers and children
  • Symposium
  • Health and well-being
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Kuopio campus, Medistudia building, auditorium MS301
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Yliopistonrinne 3
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Kuopio Birth Cohort (KuBiCo) Study was initiated in 2012 as collaboration between three research institutions and their local representatives in the Kuopio region in Finland. Since then, the research conducted in the KuBiCo Study has expanded substantially via national and international cohort projects.

This meeting brings together scientists utilising the KuBiCo data both in Finland and abroad, as well as scientists interested in collaborating with the cohort. The goal of the meeting is to facilitate and optimise the use of cohort resources in the future.

The symposium is aimed to KuBiCo researchers, but is open and free to all interested. Attending to the meeting is free and thus, coffee, lunches and social meeting events are self-paid.



Monday 10 June

9:30 Coffee (compliments of the City of Kuopio)

10:00 Welcome, Greetings from the City of Kuopio
Professor, Emeritus Olli-Pekka Ryynänen

10:10 Behind the scenes: The history of the Kuopio Birth Cohort Study
Professor Emeritus Markku Pasanen, University of Eastern Finland

10:40 Maternal exercise during pregnancy is associated with reduced risk of asthma in the child
Emma Musakka, MSc, BM, University of Eastern Finland

11:00 Lunch break (self-paid)

12:00 Prenatal use of foods and supplements containing probiotics or probiotic-like microbes and asthma and allergy in children
Dr Maija Ylilauri, University of Eastern Finland

12:20 Bacterial exposure at birth predicts asthma development in children
Dr Pirkka Kirjavainen, The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare

12:45 Chemical exposure during pregnancy
Professor Jaana Rysä, University of Eastern Finland

13:15 Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy alter the blood metabolome
Dr Olli Kärkkäinen, University of Eastern Finland

13:45 Coffee break (self-paid)

14:15 Steroid hormone analytics with serum and hair samples
Johanna Huotari (nèe Koskivuori), PhD candidate, University of Eastern Finland

14:35 Mental health during gestation and associations with neonate hair steroid levels
Dr Arthur Chortatos, Akershus University Hospital

14:55 Trajectories of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors doses in pregnancy and adverse neonatal outcomes,
Dr Guro Pauck Bernhardsen, Akershus University Hospital

15:15 Introduction to the goals of the second meeting day

15:30 Closing of the first day

18:30 Social program (self-paid), Cruising on the Lake Kallavesi on M/S Queen R, and supper (optional).


Tuesday 11 June

9:30   Coffee (compliments of the KuBiCo team)

10:00 Introduction to the second day

10:10 Maternal diet during pregnancy and gestational diabetes
Eveliina Peltola, MSc, BM, University of Eastern Finland

10:30 Maternal dietary indexes are not linked to early childhood wheezing or atopic eczema
Dr Heidi Puharinen, Kuopio University Hospital

10:50 Underutilised cohort potential
Professor Leea Keski-Nisula and Professor Jaana Rysä

11:20 The future of the Kuopio Birth Cohort Study: Introduction to group work
Professor Soili Lehto, University of Oslo

11:30 Lunch break (self-paid)

12:30 Work in small groups with a facilitator                     

             Facilitators and their thematic areas:

             Professor Leea Keski-Nisula: Obstetrics data

             Professor Soili Lehto: Mental health data

             Dr Katri Backman: Pediatrics data

             Dr Olli Kärkkäinen: KuBiCo Biomaterials.

13:30 Group work results and future directions for the KuBiCo Study
Professor Soili Lehto, University of Oslo

15:00 Closing of the meeting, Professor Leea Keski-Nisula, University of Eastern Finland.

For further information, please contact Professor Leea Keski-Nisula, email