Before you leave the University of Eastern Finland and Finland you should take care of some official matters and tasks at the university. There are also other things to remember. Please find the check list of things to do in the accordion below.
Official matters
Give notice to terminate your tenancy agreement at least one full calendar month before you leave.
Tenancy agreements are usually in force either until further notice or for a fixed period. If the agreement has been made until further notice, termination of the tenancy agreement must be done in writing one calendar month before moving out. The period of notice is counted from the last day of the month when the notice was given. Example: If you give notice to end your tenancy agreement on 15 June, your tenancy agreement ends on 30 August and you have to pay rent until then.
You should also arrange a date with your landlord for your apartment to be inspected, your key returned, and your deposit returned to you.
If you have stayed in Finland for longer than six months, you must file an income tax return in Finland. The deadline for tax returns in Finland is the following April after the calendar year concerned. Please see for more information. If you are due a tax refund from Finland, remember to give the tax office the bank account number that you have in a bank outside Finland (form 7208).
For further information, please see
If you continue to work in Finland, ask Certia payroll services to return your tax card. If you have Finnish online banking credentials you can also print your tax from MyTax to your new employer.
Ask for sure an up-to-date pension record on your accrued employees' earnings-related pension. Please contact Keva insurance company if you are born before 1 January 1980 or Varma if you are born on 1 January 1980 or after. You will need the pension record when you retire and apply for pension. The earned pension entitlement remains in Finland. It cannot be transferred to the pension system of another country, nor can the paid insurance contributions be returned.
According to Finnish legislation, you must always submit a Notification of Move when you move permanently. A Notification of Move can be submitted online (requires Finnish online banking codes) or by picking up a form from a Post Office or a Digital and Population Data Services Agency (formerly Maistraatti). See further information here.
If you have been covered under the National Health Insurance scheme of Finland and leave Finland permanently, you must submit Y38e form and return your Kela card to a Kela office.
Further information:
Ask for a Certificate for Proving Your Employment History in Finland.
If you have worked in Finland and move to an EU/EEA country or to Switzerland, you can ask for the U1 form to prove your employment history in Finland. The U1 form is issued by your unemployment fund or by Kela, if you are not member of a fund.
At the university
Return your work keys, access cards and equipment/items issued to you to perform your job.
It is also polite to leave your work area clean for the following employee. File and archive important documents and delete/destroy supersuded or obsolete documents. Make sure that all documents containing sensitive information are placed in the lockable "to be destroyed" container.
If you wish to get a certificate of employment, please see Heimo for who to contact.
Other things to remember
Remember to notify Certia if you close your bank account before the payment of your last salary and possible holiday bonus. Most Finnish banks receive information on changes of address directly from the Finnish Population Register Centre, so it is not necesary to make a separate notification to your bank.
Remember to settle all your your bills (water, electricity, internet etc).