Materials processing and manufacturing services enable either the manufacture of an individual component or the testing of an entire manufacturing chain using the equipment infrastructure and expertise of the University of Eastern Finland. Micro- and nanostructure manufacturing are widely used in the technology industry in fields such as photonics and biomedicine, where they are key components. The direct 3D printing service enables fast prototyping and is applicable to a wide range of materials and applications. Optics design is an essential part of the development of lighting techniques and lenses, and it is used, for example, in the design, modelling and development of various optical solutions. Biorefining, on the other hand, focuses on converting biomasses into valuable chemicals, materials and energy and on analysing them.
Our service includes the thermal processing of various biomasses (e.g. sawdust, chips, correct) with batch-operated slow pyrolysis equipment. In addition, the service includes the recovery and versatile analysis of the final products of the process (biochar, distillate, gases).
Learn more: SIB Labs services
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We offer the manufacturing service for surface structures of micrometre and nanometre sizes, in which we use electron-beam lithography and various lithographic manufacturing processes in a cleanroom environment. The service includes the design, manufacture and evaluation of structures. We offer the entire manufacturing chain or an individual part, such as manufacturing, according to the customer’s plan.
Learn more: Manufacturing of optics
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We offer optical design services and training, including optical design and modelling software (such as Zemax and OpTaliX), and design and modelling related to optical assemblies, micro-optics and nanophotonics, for example. We use methods such as ray tracing, FMM and FTDT for optical modelling.
Learn more: Designing of optics
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We offer direct-print optics manufacturing services that include component design, manufacture and evaluation. We offer the entire manufacturing chain or an individual part, such as manufacturing, according to the customer’s plan. We use direct polymer printing using the inkjet method.
Learn more: Manufacturing of optics
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