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Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node FiBI has been accepted as a service-providing Node to the pan-European Euro-BioImaging consortium for imaging technologies.
At the moment, approximately 850 students from abroad are completing their Master’s degree at the university of Eastern Finland, with more than 200 Master’s degrees awarded to them every year.
“There is a need for researchers to talk more casually about their research and to give and get peer support,” says University Teacher Maliheh Nekouei. For this purpose, the Department of Nursing Science launched Love for Research meetings.
The University of Eastern Finland’s Communicator of the Year Awards were announced in an award ceremony today. The selections were made by the university’s Communications and Media Relations.
During his term as Academy Professor, Laaksonen will study climate change and particularly the mechanisms behind deposition ice nucleation in the atmosphere.
The University of Eastern Finland’s doctoral conferment ceremony at the Kuopio Campus is postponed to 9–11 June 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
MSc Alwin Hardenbol says that protected areas lack natural disturbances like fires nowadays. Allowing and restoring natural disturbances in a controlled fashion could be an effective way to maintain their diverse structure.