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Rehtori Jukka Mönkkönen johtaa akateemista kulkuetta lukuvuoden 2024-2025 avajaisissa Kuopion kampuksella.

Rector Jukka Mönkkönen led the academic procession at the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2024–2025.

Rector Jukka Mönkkönen: “Research-based knowledge and research-based education is ever more important”

Democracy, openness, internationality, diversity and research-based knowledge are the key values of our academic community now and in the future, said Rector Jukka Mönkkönen in the university’s Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year.

Rector Jukka Mönkkönen gave the opening speech of the last academic year of his ten-year rectorship at the University of Eastern Finland on the Kuopio campus on Thursday 5 September. In his opening speech for the 2024-2025 academic year, he returned to the global changes during his rectorship and the role of universities in a changing world.

”During my ten years as Rector, the world has changed quite dramatically. Geopolitical instabilities have become increasingly prevalent across the globe, and the long-established rules-based international order has been replaced by a world that is divided into political, economic and military blocs, a world that is increasingly polarised. This development is far from ideal. Democracies that were once considered strong now find themselves struggling, and the world is headed in an unfortunate direction where autocracies and inward-looking societies prevail. This is manifested as selfish border closure policies, populism and polarisation of intergovernmental relations and internal societal development of an unfortunate number of countries, creating instabilities and causing tensions. There are also forces at play deliberately fuelling these tensions,” Mönkkönen noted.

Although the picture is grim, there is no need to despair, Mönkkönen pointed out. By strengthening inclusion and democracy, it is still possible to respond to the challenges we are facing today.

“Universities’ mission as providers of research-based knowledge and research-based education is ever more important. Open science and knowledge sharing are the best antidotes to twisted truths and fake news. Democratic and free flow of information remains the cornerstone of developed societies and the rule of law,” said Mönkkönen.

According to Mönkkönen, democracy, openness, internationality, diversity and research-based knowledge as the foundations of all human activity are the key values of academic community now and in the future.

“Thanks to our strong vision and strategy, we are capable of responding to the changing challenges of our operating environment without having to compromise the self-driven and long-term development of our university. Despite all the challenges and concerns around us, we at the University of Eastern Finland can look to the future with confidence. Currently, universities aren’t facing any major pressures to cut costs, our position is well-established, and our activities are broadly recognised and appreciated.”

The Rector's speech on the opening of the academic year can be read in full at this link.