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The Board of the University of Eastern Finland approved the university’s Code of Conduct

The Board of the University of Eastern Finland has approved the university’s Code of Conduct, which guides the members of the academic community to making ethically correct decisions in their everyday life at the university. These guidelines bring together the common operating practices related to research, teaching, communality, campus environment, the use of property and societal relations. They also communicate the university’s commitment to responsible activities both within and outside the community.

Rector Tapio Määttä emphasises the importance of ethical principles in the rapidly changing world: "As the tone of voice is changing globally, individual universities need to emphasise ethical solutions that are based on their strong values. For this reason, UEF requires that each member of its community as well as its partners comply with the Code of Conduct.”

The Code of Conduct is not just a declaration of principles, but is put to practice in the university’s everyday life and operating processes. They will be included in the orientation of new staff members and students, and in continuous training. The university also has clear channels for reporting concerns or suspected infringements related to the Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct is available on the UEF website and on UEF Intranet.

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