Sm4rtLab is totally new, revolutionary augmented reality environment combining science and teaching. In the environment there is a photonics laboratory in which a scientist can remotely control the photonics research with the help of remote controlled lasers, lenses, microscopes and other components, from his/her own desk.
Our optics laboratory can now be controlled remotely from a personal computer. Another alternative is to put on a Microsoft HoloLens headset to experience augmented reality. Using them, you can have a laboratory in the middle of your classroom, for example. The envirionment can be utilized also for educational purposes. In the Lab there is five remote controlled cameras which can be hooked to a Skype for Business meeting. The environment is also connected to an IoT cloud service to which research data can be stored and analyzed later on.
The whole modern communication is based on the utilization of light as the carrier of knowledge. With light we have made the whole world to be accessable no matter where we are. We want to start the revolution of science. We want to hide the traditional division between theoretical and experimental research. We want to make research intuitive and easy to access so that anyone can make research.
We want to virtualize the research such that researchers and teachers will see the laboratory in a realistic way no matter if there is a simulation or a real experiment behind that. And we want to bring the labroatory to the resercher with virtual and augmented reality - no matter where the researcher is. Or even the same laboratory to a group of the researhers who meet only virtually.

Sm4rtLab has been created in co-operation with the following partners
- Process Genius is a software company, established 2013 and is based in Joensuu. Process Genius is developing virtual user interfaces to industry.
- SYK - University Properties of Finland Ltd: We are an active partner for our customers. Core business of University Properties of Finland Ltd is to produce, maintain and develop premises for universities, colleges and their partners. We support the strategy of our customers and their possibilities to act as motors in common development in their surroundings. Our vision is to be the most respected campus developer in Europe in the future.